Organizing References More Efficiently

by Moni Miranda

While writing, keeping track of references through countless articles can become a complicated process. However, I was recently recommended to use Endnote by my advisor Anca Delgado and have since started building a reference library for my current project.

What I like most about the software is that once a journal article is added to my library, I can insert the citation in my Word document while I am writing. It will appear in the bibliographic style of my choosing in both the text and a generated bibliography page. If later I decide to change the bibliography style, I can do so with the click of a button in the Endnote tab located in the ribbon space of the Word software.  

It also allows you to share libraries with others in which exchanges/additions of journal articles can occur.

Because Endnote is integrated with Word, it appears as its own tab in the ribbon space of Word once the Endnote Cite While you WriteTM Plug-in is installed.

This tool is free to use through the following website:

Evelyn Miranda is a third-year graduate student in the Biological Design Program and the School for Engineering of Matter, Transport, and Energy in the Ira A Fulton Schools of Engineering. She studies the removal of sulfate and metals specifically from acid mine drainage using sulfate reducing bioreactors.