“Cloth masks are a worthy line of defense to mitigate COVID-19 pandemic”

Sarah Arrowsmith was featured in an article published in the ASU Biodesign Institute latest news segment. She talks about her experience this past month with making her own cloth masks to donate to a medical facility! Sarah even got so good at it, she made more masks than expected, and had leftovers for a few local first responders. All of her masks were sustainable and could easily be disinfected and then used again! Sarah was not doing this to get anything in return, she just wanted to try and help the community in any way she could. She wasn’t sure how effective her masks actually were, so her and a few others tested the masks out in a lab. The test showed that Sarah’s masks actually were quite efficient in catching particles. At the end of the article there is a link to Sarah’s YouTube, showing a tutorial on how to make the masks!

Here is Sarah wearing one of the masks she made, this was taken from the article.