1% better each day feels doable!

June 17, 2020

Today, Dr. Rittmann’s lab group watched this 25-minute video together.

Clear, James. (2017). 1% Better Every Day . Retrieved from https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mNeXuCYiE0U&feature=youtu.be.

James Clear’s four stages of habit formation, NOTICING – WANTING – DOING – LIKING, were simple to follow, make complete sense, are backed by research and truly apply to every field, including scientific writing.

“Most people think they don’t have motivation but they actually lack clarity.”

Clear talks about how to give your goals “a place to live in the world.” He demonstrates how to design your surroundings to enable your goals. He exemplifies optimizing for the beginning of an act – investing your energy into getting started – which will inevitably lead to your desired outcome if you design your environment right. He shows us how to bring the reward into the current moment, which means we’ll most likely continue to do a thing because we enjoy it.

Dr. Rosy was reminded of this book, Deep Work: Rules for Focused Success in a Distracted World. It shares the theme that it takes time and focus to do creative work. Multitasking interferes. Your brain takes time to switch between tasks. There’s a start-up cost to switching back and forth between writing and answering emails, for example.