BSCEB students present at FURI research symposium

4/24/2017 Taylor Rumsey, Omar Arafa, and Sammy Aguiar presented the research they completed under the guidance of Michelle Young (Cesar Torres’ Lab), Diana Calvo Martinez (Bruce Rittmann’s Lab), and Anca Delgado (Rosa Krajmalnik-Brown’s Lab) during this year’s FURI Symposium, held on Friday, 4/21/17.  Congratulations!

Biodesign Swette Center attends AEESP Conference en force!

6/26/2017 Current BSCEB members and alumni attended AEESP from June 20-22, 2017 in Ann Arbor, Michigan.  Dr. Bruce Rittmann was honored with an AEESP Fellow award.  Read more about Dr. Rittmann’s AEESP award In the Loop.

Dr. Rittmann appears on KJZZ – What do abandoned mines mean for our health, environment?

8/4/2017 Dr. Bruce Rittmann is interviewed by KJZZ’s Lauren Gilger about the prevalence of abandoned mines and what they can mean for our health and environment in response to this week’s revelation that Bagdad Hillside LLC has allegedly discharged arsenic-contaminated water from an abandoned mine into a recreational creek in Yavapai County.  Read the story here.

Sustainable Phosphorus Alliance Featured in ASU Now

11/9/2017 BSCEB members Matt Scholz and Bruce Rittmann are featured in an article by student reporter Rachel Bunning titled, “As NSF grant end, ASU-led Sustainable Phosphorus Alliance continues to grow.” The Sustainable Phosphorus Alliance is North America’s central forum and advocate for the sustainable use, recovery, and recycling of phosphorus in the food system. Its director is James Elser from… Continue reading Sustainable Phosphorus Alliance Featured in ASU Now

You Can’t Spell Sustainability without P

4/27/2017 by Matt Scholz With summer warmth will invariably come media coverage of massive algal blooms wreaking havoc on our waterways and much talk of phosphorus pollution. Outside of this seasonal notoriety, element 15 gets short shrift in popular culture in comparison to carbon, oxygen, and nitrogen, but it is every bit as essential to… Continue reading You Can’t Spell Sustainability without P

Wait…I’m not presenting at AZ Water? That’s weird…

5/22/2017 by Michelle Young As I approach the end of my Ph.D. studies, I opted to forgo most conferences this year.  This includes the 90th annual AZ Water Conference and Exhibition going on May 3-5 in Phoenix. Although I have a student presenting a poster at the conference, this is the second time in the last six… Continue reading Wait…I’m not presenting at AZ Water? That’s weird…