Mental health: graduate school edition

Dear Pato is a therapy dog for many Swette [and other] Center members!

by Aide Robles Mental health disorders and depression are over three times more likely to be experienced by graduate students than the average American. Although its easy to for people to put all students in the same group, graduate students are not only students. Yes, we prepare for exams, we take courses and complete homework,… Continue reading Mental health: graduate school edition

Organizing References More Efficiently

by Moni Miranda While writing, keeping track of references through countless articles can become a complicated process. However, I was recently recommended to use Endnote by my advisor Anca Delgado and have since started building a reference library for my current project. What I like most about the software is that once a journal article… Continue reading Organizing References More Efficiently

A Cleaner Tomorrow, the Best Gift this Holiday Season

As we celebrate the holidays, American household waste increases by more than 25 percent. We get trash cans with full of shopping bags, bows, ribbons, packaging, wrapping paper, gingerbread houses, fireworks, plastic plates as so much more. Let’s be mindful of sustainable consumption. Giving Give “anti-matter.” Gift an experience, rather than items that might turn… Continue reading A Cleaner Tomorrow, the Best Gift this Holiday Season

Shared Responsibility for Instruments Streamlines Maintenance

Payment for laboratory supplies can be tricky when more than one project is involved. As a responsible person for the Ion Chromatography (IC) instrument in the center, I like to keep a written notebook log of users. When I train someone to use the instrument, I ask that along with reserving the instrument online, to… Continue reading Shared Responsibility for Instruments Streamlines Maintenance

The Biodesign Swette Center for Environmental Biotechnology is an award winning center for safety.

ASU Environmental Health & Safety Award for Excellence The award is the highest level of recognition by EHS and is presented to a college, department, individual or team who showcase distinguished service toward campus safety or sustainable practices at ASU. Any university employee may submit a nomination. Submissions must include a detailed statement outlining the… Continue reading The Biodesign Swette Center for Environmental Biotechnology is an award winning center for safety.

Delgado Lab Members Attend Phoenix College STEAM Day

Delgado Lab PhD students Moni Miranda and Srivatsan Mohana Rangan demonstrated a miniature bioreactor at the Phoenix College STEAM day, 7th November 2019. They advertised the research opportunities within the Swette Center for Environmental Biotechnology and Research Experience for Undergraduates (REU) program at the Center for Bio-mediated and Bio-inspired Geotechnics (CBBG) to current and prospective… Continue reading Delgado Lab Members Attend Phoenix College STEAM Day

AEESP hosted by ASU Engineering Department (and many BSCEB members)

Grand efforts to organize the recent three-day Association of Environmental Engineering and Science Professors Research and Education Conference at Arizona State University by a team Engineering faculty is covered in FSE’s news site FULL CIRCLE and ASU NOW. Approximately 700 attendees from more than 100 institutions across the world were at the May 14-16 event hosted and organized… Continue reading AEESP hosted by ASU Engineering Department (and many BSCEB members)