Brad Lusk, PhD, presents “ScienceTheEarth – Stories of Science on the Road” MON, April 24th, 1-2:30pm, Biodesign Auditorium

3/17/2017 ​Bradley Lusk received his PhD in Biological Design from Arizona State University in 2015. After finishing a brief postdoc, he embarked on a mission to bridge cultures through science and human discovery titled For this mission, he is visiting innovators, entrepreneurs, and game changers around the world to tell a narrative of how logic and innovation… Continue reading Brad Lusk, PhD, presents “ScienceTheEarth – Stories of Science on the Road” MON, April 24th, 1-2:30pm, Biodesign Auditorium

Swette Center students make educational videos that describe the importance of their research

3/31/2017 Lately, the members of our Center have been wondering how we can improve our abilities to share our work with non-science audiences and inspire them.  Dr. Andrew D. Maynard, Director of the Risk Innovation Lab and Professor in the School for the Future of Innovation in Society at Arizona State University, recently provided a few… Continue reading Swette Center students make educational videos that describe the importance of their research

BSCEB students present at FURI research symposium

4/24/2017 Taylor Rumsey, Omar Arafa, and Sammy Aguiar presented the research they completed under the guidance of Michelle Young (Cesar Torres’ Lab), Diana Calvo Martinez (Bruce Rittmann’s Lab), and Anca Delgado (Rosa Krajmalnik-Brown’s Lab) during this year’s FURI Symposium, held on Friday, 4/21/17.  Congratulations!

Biodesign Swette Center attends AEESP Conference en force!

6/26/2017 Current BSCEB members and alumni attended AEESP from June 20-22, 2017 in Ann Arbor, Michigan.  Dr. Bruce Rittmann was honored with an AEESP Fellow award.  Read more about Dr. Rittmann’s AEESP award In the Loop.

Communicating Science

4/11/2017 by Rick Kupferer ​“Most of the fundamental ideas of science are essentially simple, ​and may, as a rule, be expressed in a language comprehensible to everyone.” -Albert Einstein Many scientists have a bad tendency: they often speak in a way that is incomprehensible to the general public; even worse, they often sound boring!  We don’t… Continue reading Communicating Science

Wait…I’m not presenting at AZ Water? That’s weird…

5/22/2017 by Michelle Young As I approach the end of my Ph.D. studies, I opted to forgo most conferences this year.  This includes the 90th annual AZ Water Conference and Exhibition going on May 3-5 in Phoenix. Although I have a student presenting a poster at the conference, this is the second time in the last six… Continue reading Wait…I’m not presenting at AZ Water? That’s weird…